EBE 2021 public lecture series

Evidence Based Eating’s
2021 Lecture Series

A series of four health-focused public lectures highlighted the power of plant-based whole foods to restore health to all New Zealanders.

The lectures were MC’d by EBE NZ chairman, Grant Dixon, producer of the movie, The Big FAT Lie, and Alexandra GP, Dr Martyn Williamson, who hosted the Wellington lectures.

View Wellington Lectures – October 30

View Auckland Lectures – October 9

View Dunedin Lectures – August 1st

View Christchurch Lectures - May 22nd

2021 Lecture Series Sponsors

Our Mission

To raise awareness of Whole Food
Plant-Based nutritional benefits in New Zealand by educating and inspiring the general public, health professionals, private organisations and government institutions using evidence-based research.


13 + 14 =

Disclaimer: The medical and/or nutritional information on this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please seek medical advice before using diet to treat disease.