“I think it saved my husband’s life and improved mine dramatically.”
I now live in NZ with my Kiwi husband Jon. As a family, living in various parts of the world, we were always open to new food experiences. We baked pies and cakes and enjoyed plenty of cheese and dairy products; Jon loved his barbecues so we feasted well and often!
When we were invited to go to a friend’s home to learn about whole food, plant-based (WFPB) eating I wasn’t very interested but Jon was struggling with his weight and high blood pressure & was desperate for help. It was Jon’s conviction and review of the science that led us to make the step to WFPB eating. I think it saved his life and has dramatically improved mine.
We switched ‘cold turkey’, completely cut out dairy, meat, fish and animal products. We were both hugely encouraged by the weight we lost and how much better we felt. Soon, though, we were saying, ‘If I have to see another bean floating in a tomato-ey sauce…’.
McDougall’s quick and easy recipe books were a lifesaver. We started learning all the delicious things we could cook, including treats like chocolate mousse and chocolate brownies. We were encouraged to keep going.
Fourteen years later I’m 61 and feeling great; I started running at 50 and completed a 5km and then a 10km run, have no health issues and am so grateful for that friend!
If you want to know more, Jon wrote up our journey (about seven years in) at papamase.com
For others thinking of changing to WFPB I’d recommend:
• Make the change in one step so you experience all the benefits quickly
• Get prepared with plenty of recipes and re-stock your kitchen with only WFPB foods – throw out all
the junk foods and especially any oil!
• Connect with others who are WFPB eaters so you have support.
• Beware of all the processed ‘vegan’ or ‘plant-based’ food that’s on the market – it’s really not healthy, at all.
Cook from whole foods!